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The Mormon Bachelorette



Nickname: Cass 


Favorite Part of Your Job: Well...I'm a high school teacher, so I hope this doesn't come across as super corny or predictable, but I really do love my students. One of the best parts of my job is being a student government advisor for the school. I love being able to get to know the students outside of the normal classroom environment and seeing the amazing individuals they are. 


Did you serve a mission? If so, where?: I did serve a mission! I served in Curitiba, Brazil from 2006-2007. I loved every minute of it! I love the Brazilian people and there food isn't too bad either.


What is your favorite thing to do outside work?: Outside of work, one of my favorite things to do is travel. I think my mission gave me the travel bug, because ever since then, I've tried to take at least one big trip a year. I still have tons of places to go, but it has been the best thing to observe other cultures and beauties of the world, and really appreciate all we have been given. 


Your celebrity crush: Haha Patrick Dempsey probably. 


Tell us about the best date you have ever been on?: Wow, that's hard. For me, the best dates haven't been the most elaborate dates, but the ones that were super thoughtful and personal. I love when I can tell that a guy listened to something I said, or we had talked about, and created a date around it. I love dates where you can get to know someone and have fun at the same time. If I had to pick a favorite, I'd probably say when I was 16 and went on one of my first dates. I was probably most excited about that. It was simple, ice cream and walking around the lake, but the conversation was great. That's one of the best, but I've had many great guys that have planned awesome dates. My hats off to them, it isn't easy to plan a date. 


What kind of man are you looking for?: In the end, I'm looking for someone who wants to be strong in the Church. I want a partner that is excited about giving our lives to the gospel and getting involved in any ward we end up in. I'm looking for chemistry between us. That involves a lot of things, but the biggest is probably do our personalities compliment each other. I want us to enjoy life together and have tons more adventures and have fun while doing it. I would also like someone who is hard working. I'm not concerned on their choice in profession as much as I am wanting someone that just works hard at whatever they do.  


What is your favorite treat?: I would probably say the simple chocolate chip cookie. When done right, I'm a goner.


Favorite restaurant/meal: I love trying different foods. I'm kind of a foodie like that. One of my favorites is Thai food though. But, being from California, I can also appreciate some great Mexican food. 


What is your dating pet peeve?: Keep it simple and have great conversation.


Most embarrassing moment: I think I've blocked most out of my mind, but as I began teaching I have said many things to my students that I wish I could take back. You get nervous sometimes and some words just transform into other words as they leave your mouth (ie..."fortification" becomes "fartifications") and everyone is there to see. Luckily, I don't get too embarrassed (knock on wood) and I can thank teaching for that. You have to be able to laugh at yourself. That motto gets me through a lot of potentially awkward experiences. 


What is your favorite part about being in a serious relationship: My favorite part about dating someone that you care about is being able to do little thoughtful things for them to let them know you have been thinking about them. Sometimes our schedules can get crazy, but a simple call, text, note on my care, etc...brightens a crazy day and reminds me that someone is thinking of me. 


Where do you want your husband to take you on your honeymoon?: I could be sold on almost anything. I've heard cruises are great for honeymoons, but I also wouldn't mind going somewhere I haven't been and sharing a new location with him. 


Favorite first date activity?: Just something simple. Grabbing something to eat and talking is one of my favorites. First dates should be about getting to know someone, so there should be time to talk and get to know each other. 


Do you have a favorite quote or words you live by?: I don't have a quote per say, but I believe life is about having experiences. I love trying new things and seeing new places. 


Favorite scripture: I've always been a fan of 1 Nephi 3:7, I just love the faith of Nephi saying I am going, no questions.


If you knew you could solve one problem in the world, what would you choose?: Education around the world. In the countries I have traveled, I have noticed the leg up a good education can bring to a new generation. 


Tell us about your family: My family is probably one of the biggest selling points for dating me. Jk (but dead serious). I have great parents who taught me the gospel through their example. My parents didn't need to teach me step by step in the gospel, because I saw them live it. I'm the oldest of 7 children. I've loved growing up in a big family. One thing I love about my family is we have fun together. My family loves to sit around and tell stories and laugh. We are great about entertaining ourselves. We have 4 nieces and nephews and we are all in love with them. We still try and get together during the summer and be all together. I would hope that we continue to do that in the future and find time to spend time all together, even though we live in different places. 


What is your typical "type" of guy you like to date?: I think my friends would agree that I don't really have a "type." I really just am looking for a connection. I think I've dated every personality, hair color, height and background. That's always a hard question, because in the end I'm just looking for the connection that draws me to someone. Maybe there is a type and I'm not seeing it, but I think my past relationship "lineup" would confuse a lot of people.


What are 3 words your best friends would use to describe you?: Luckily, they are sitting right here. "Funny," "Spiritual," "Hard working"


Do you want kids and if so, how many?: I would love a big family. We will see how many...


What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?: 1. Get married & start a family 2. Visit Jerusalem 3. Climb Manchu Picchu (I don't know why this one has taken me so long, so hopefully this one is soon)


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