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The Mormon Bachelorette






Catie-kins, Cate, Cade


Favorite Part of Your Job: 

I love that I get to learn every day, that my students keep me laughing, and that I get to help them in the process of discovering who they are. There’s nothing better than that. 


What is your favorite thing to do outside work?: 

It depends on the day and the weather. I like to get outside and go jogging, or biking, or snowshoeing. I also like to write, cook, sing, bake, sew, or do anything creative, really. Let's not forget a good movie night. But my favorite, favorite thing to do is take a weekend trip to the Utah Shakespeare Festival. Nerd alert: I love me some well-done Shakespeare.  


Your celebrity crush: 

I crush on whomever is my most recent favorite character in a movie. Lately it’s been old movie actors like Gregory Peck, and period film actors like JJ Field, Dan Stevens, and Tom Hiddleston. (I tend to like British film). I also have a crush on David Archuletta, but don’t tell him. 


Tell us about the best date you have ever been on?: 

That’s a hard one. I think the best dates have been with guys I had been dating for a while, where the guy planned something creative a fun that he knew I would like based on previous conversations etc. Ultimately, the best dates have a lot more to do with the guy than the activity. 


What kind of man are you looking for?: 

At the risk of sounding cliche, a man who truly loves the Lord. But obviously there are other points of compatibility, too, like intellect, personality and attraction. It’s hard to say what that looks like on paper. I just know it when I see it.


What is your favorite treat?: 

There is nothing tastier than the perfect donut. Not too sweet, not too dry, fresh and flavorful. So good! But, if it’s not an absolutely perfect donut, it is undeniably trumped by pizzookies and brownie sundaes. Mmmm.


Favorite restaurant/meal: 

That is like asking me to pick a favorite sibling. I love food, and I love variety. Finding new and delicious foods is a hobby of mine. It’s my favorite part of traveling. But I guess if I had to pick some staples, I would say sushi, hamburgers, and my mom’s spaghetti. 


What is your dating pet peeve?: 

When a guy keeps me out too late or too long.


Most embarrassing moment: 

Embarrassing moments feel like a regular part of my life, but here’s one. You know how when you’re reading out loud, you sometimes trip over a word for no reason and the context of the passage is just exactly set up to make your otherwise innocent mistake completely inappropriate, and then everyone laughs at you? Yep, that happened. And no, I won’t tell you what I read.


What is your favorite part about being in a serious relationship: 

I like not being afraid to be me, whether it's a good day or a bad day, and being appreciated for it. 


Where do you want your husband to take you on your honeymoon?: 

My top pick is Vermont for the fall foliage all the maple donuts (naturally). That only works for fall weddings, but that’s all I have so far. 


Favorite first date activity?: 

Anything that is laid back and conducive to conversation. Dinner (or even just dessert), bike rides, hikes and evening strolls are all great ways to get acquainted. I think short and sweet is ideal.


Do you have a favorite quote or words you live by?: 

The Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Gettysburg Address.  


Favorite scripture: 

2 Nephi 32:3


If you knew you could solve one problem in the world, what would you choose?: 

The breakdown of the family.  


Tell us about your family: 

My parents are what I aspire to be like. They have been married for over thirty years and are inseparable best friends. They have encouraged me in every goal and supported me in every decision. They have have made me what I am. I hope someday I can do what they have done. My siblings and I are very close. They are my best, best friends. When I have free time, I often spend it with them. 


What is your typical "type" of guy you like to date?: 

I like guys who are kind and smart, who can see humor in the world, and who have nice smiles. It doesn't hurt if they can shoot guns, or are open to learning a bit of latin or ballroom dancing with me. Does that constitute a type? If so, that’s my type. 


What are 3 words your best friends would use to describe you?: 

I don’t really know. Maybe classy, quirky and smart? 


Do you want kids and if so, how many?: 

Definitely. At least four, but probably fewer than seven. I think it’s hard to know for sure until you actually have a kid.


What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?: 

1) Become proficient in ballroom dancing. 2) Learn another language. 3) Hug a real, live lion.

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