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The Mormon Bachelorette



Nickname: Mins


Favorite Part of Your Job: I am spoiled in getting to read and be surrounded by good, uplifting things all day, but when I step back and realize the impact my work has on the lives of members of the Church all over the world, it’s an incredible feeling to know I’m a part of that. I also have some amazing coworkers.


Did you serve a mission? If so, where?: Yes, I served my mission on a little French island in the South Pacific called New Caledonia. Tropical island + French influence=the best of both worlds!


What is your favorite thing to do outside work?: I love to watch movies and cuddle (and luckily I have nieces and nephews who are good stand-ins in the absence of a boyfriend!).


Your celebrity crush: Denzel Washington or Channing Tatum


Tell us about the best date you have ever been on?: I feel like so much of what makes a good date is how interested you are in the person—am I right? I don't know if I've ever pegged down *the* best date I've ever been on. One good one that comes to mind was going to dinner and then for a walk around a park and then to a drive-in movie. Not that those longish dates are always ideal, but in that case (since I had a huge crush on the guy), it was awesome.


What kind of man are you looking for?: I’m looking for a man who is humble and honest, has a great sense of humor, has a strong testimony of the gospel and is committed to putting the Lord first, and someone whom I can respect.


What is your favorite treat?: I live for frozen banana shakes with peanut butter, honey, and cocoa.


Favorite restaurant/meal: I think that depends on the day and on my mood! Normally I’d say Leatherby’s is my favorite restaurant—it’s an old family hangout. But right now, I’d say grilled chicken salads from Costa Vida are number 1.


What is your dating pet peeve?: When your date isn’t interested in getting to know you. I feel like that’s a big and pretty basic part of what makes a good date, and unfortunately, there are some people that just don’t get that!


Most embarrassing moment: I’ve never liked this question—either I’ve done a really good job of blocking out all embarrassing moments from my memory, or I really just don’t have one that sticks out. I’ll probably jinx myself by saying that, so stay tuned for an upcoming “most embarrassing moment.”


What is your favorite part about being in a serious relationship: Cuddling, obviously! And just always having someone to do fun things with.


Where do you want your husband to take you on your honeymoon?: On a cruise!


Favorite first date activity?: I'm not too hard to please when it comes to first dates. I like going out to dinner (I'm happy when I'm fed :) ) and doing something fun—arcade dates, bowling, mini golf anytime!


Do you have a favorite quote or words you live by?: Maybe not one in particular, but I’d say that quotes from President Uchtdorf probably cross my mind daily.


Favorite scripture: Mosiah 2:41… though again, that changes. Today it’s that though: “the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God.”


If you knew you could solve one problem in the world, what would you choose?: Maybe this sounds silly, but I would solve the problem of unkindness or unselfishness. I think a lot of other things would fall into place if those things weren’t an issue!


Tell us about your family: I have 2 brothers, 3 sisters, 4 nieces, and 4 nephews. Two of my sisters and one of my brothers are married. We love to play board games, have family dinners, and laugh together. My siblings are my best friends.


What is your typical "type" of guy you like to date?: I don’t know if I have a “type,” exactly. Brown hair, brown eyes, nice, funny guy, maybe?


What are 3 words your best friends would use to describe you?: Outgoing. Laughing. Fun.


Do you want kids and if so, how many?: Yes! As many as is good for my husband and I. Hopefully that means more than 4 though J


What are the top 3 things on your bucket list?: Ride a vespa around Greece, go bungee jumping in New Zealand, and, of course, get married in the temple


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